Truthfully I've been having a hard time finding the right words to describe how grateful I am to be a part of the community and give specific shout outs. It's been an awesome year on Newgrounds.
I could do a whole recap on everything I did, but rather than go through every thing I did this month I want to highlight a couple of things:
Collabs I organized:
Collabs I Participated in:
Some front page submissions:
The interview with Aalastier/BottleTopBillFanClub
Personal Favorite Submissions I made:
Some Final Words:
2025 will be a great year. Anyone who says otherwise is too distracted by all this other shit.
At the end of the day what you put into the year will make the outcome of the year and for what it's worth, 2024 was by far a great year for all the ups and downs I had and I only hope to outdo what I have done this year.
And then some.
Special Thanks (especially for putting up with my nonsense):
@TomFulp @DamnedbyFate @Wegra @Thetageist @ShockAbe @BottleTopBillFanClub @0CarlosYadielStudio0 @0pabinia @1bob1badass @20PoorlyDrawnMario06 @2121FANCY07 @53xy83457 @ADR3-N @Akechigo @AldilusRex @Alex303 @alexdoesnothing @Alexneitor @AlexToolStudio @AlmightySaber2020 @AlternativeAccounts @AM-ZYNK @amishpimp @Anamonator @AnonDaveClock @Anonimjooj @Anonimjoojpixel @anothergamedev @APAPGABRIEL221 @ARhymeADozen @ArtismToons @Artloveinghero @Asskick247 @Avis1 @AVKid4 @Awd91 @Axolotlots @bappledilk @BastardFromBrooklyn @beast5200 @bebrk827 @beenibroh @Billy-SuperSkullz @bisteca2007 @Blackfog105 @BluShroom20 @BobaMix @bobpinga51 @BoiledMilkz @Boss @bradenster @breadboi425 @BrenthEMan @Caniac77 @CarterSterling @CatGuard @CDJeremy @chalk-outline @Charlie57913 @ChazDude @Chdonga @Chezmond @Chipsoapart @co0lkid98 @CodySherrillStudios @Colizza @ColossalCoochie @Colt @Combator @CrockettDK @CurlyStepper @D1MMED0098 @DahCheeseCake @DahLordoPrisma @Danai89 @DancarMar @Dangerous-D @dangusd00 @DaShahRach00 @Dat0one0guy @davicool @DBRAINSKRX @DeadManDapper @DenoKeller @DesertFOX135 @Diamond189 @Dieswyx @DOOMARI20 @doomboy2018 @DorkGamer @Drag0nDaboss @DranoinmyBraino @Dreggsu @DrGroove @DrSevenSeizeMD @DrunkGecko @DummyDavy @Dynebot @Eldritchsaxes @Elhabanero20 @ElRandomGMD @emeraldbutter @EternalMemoriesXIX @Everratic @Fakayomama2 @FarmerDandy @Finasty @Fish125 @FlamingKactus @Flarpusgus @FLIndigo @Floccinaucinihilip @FNFEXE @FOLbryce @GabrieleTheMan @GallowJolt @Galneda @Garfenbopper @Gekkotsuki @Generalfishsalad @geoass101 @gfgg @GhostWanderer117 @gilster262e @giulia266eyes @GlitchingGhost @GnomeZome @Goaria227 @GodLikeRick @Gokuichigo24 @GoodL @GracieR0se09 @Grimmsketch @GrizzlyGabriel @GrumpyOldNinja @GuardiasVA @Guileness @Gunjiro29 @GuyMakesGames @HAL0GUY @Halpmynamesucks @HannahOwO @hdjl2011 @Healmore6969 @HenryEYES @Hexamak @heyimmari @HIDUDMAN @HNniner @hobotoon @Hoppio @HU-C2680 @IDontWorkHere @IGNITEDBOI @im-dav @Immortalblink @InnerSlime @INSANICCD @IrisOfTheRepliforce @JackorJohn @jake1234444 @JAM-POWER @jamriot @jaywhangdoesstuff @jdsketching @Jeanioz @jeminix2 @JettBomber @Jfc201 @JohnathonDistasio @JOLTBOLTDrawings @Jonathanfish @JordanRoberts96 @Jukestar @JustinSketchesYT @K9ofChaos @Keaks @kindgunpro @KinokoCola @Knownmints @KokoroHatsaru @KorosiVV @Laxterbleizx225 @lemonpink @Levi0nL1ne @LilStank0 @LilyChoco07 @LizMas @LoboJ @Looink @LuceLuce @LuckoDaStars @Lukata @Lumbridge @lunanal @Luwanic @M-kirbs @MadnessShapedChocos @Malti @Manuel-V @Marc-Ant @MarimosGoldfish @MartinPortugal @Mathew2099 @Mb2056 @Meatblaze @mEmeraldZm @MEOWWWWW1234 @Mewx @Micgronoldshtien @MichaelSali @micksdesk @MinaSagas @MipmapFM @MrFlorida2050 @mrneoliberal @MrPurpleMrPurple @mtv129 @MuramasasEdge @Myceli0m @MysteryRider @Nani321 @Nauticalginger404 @ndddu @Nebulate @NeonSpider @nightdragostea @NitroOrient @nkopa @NOTJXNBOY28 @nuskadamodev @OffTheRockers @OftenUser @Oh-Sama @onionman500 @OpSystemFilms @OrangeFluff @OrAnm @partybooru @PepperPotater @phantomnoiz @PLJerry @Polessragge @poopypeter @PowerONDelta @PretentiousSnob @Prismisho @roblematicpossum @Projects-Dev @Quenek @RADIOHEADSTUDIOS @RafaTheBeat @RafiMuzakiSaputra07 @raphaelcarrard @RazorToaster @Rikko-43 @rm @RodriProMax @rubalabadubdub @RveyDrawz @saintnightly @Sakisumi @Samium69 @SamMayBeInsane @SamuraiKNOX @sawwcrow @ScepterDPinoy @SeanyDS @SecretBoxFox @SeijiArt @SenhorJoaoGabriel15z @Shai-P @ShangXian @ShippuKirifuda @ShockAbe @shrubbr @Simoes1000 @SkilledFella @Skull290366 @Slowsolid @slugrapist @Smellslikebuter @smiffi @SmoothE @Snarketypes @SolidAirgasm @Solidfish @SolidSnakeOnAPlane @Solito @SomeOfMyBusses @SophisticatedMunkey @SOUP101 @SourCherryJack @SoyYanyo @SpikeyBlum @SploobusMcDoobus @Spoderformer @SrJr5000 @Storkinspork @SugarSimon @Superglouis @superparkerbros @SuperSmurf @SuperVaca @t0asterbra1n @Talconic @Tamag0 @Taytonium @ThatsalongnamE @TheBestBroster @Thecakeisalie3 @TheCheapest @TheCivilPyrotection @TikkiToon @tikyboi21 @Tokirily @TomDoy @TomTheBluBoiFox @tosok @totogruningsalazar @ToxicBrain20 @trenzin191 @TTdotpng @TurboSkeleton21 @tydaze @Tyhond @TysonTheWolfPak @VampireDev @Vanasthasia @vestik @VitalikNerd005 @vlsrb @Void-rocurist @vonschloss @WACKYPOMKO @wamyremy @WarmMilk200 @WASP02 @wayyward @wolfatthedoor @WolfZenkaiRider2021 @xDeadBoii @Xinxinix @Xnothsisz0i @Z8Kepicdumbass @ZachAttack23 @Zakeblue1 @Zambonironi @ZanderAflame @Zellas @ZenonRetna @Zodiacthemaniac @Zuuron @schreckengast