Don't mind me I'm just strutting along back here to post my BS once more.
Not like I haven't logged on and back again to keep my notifications down or in case I needed to refer to something anyways, but, I'm posting again and that's what matters. Also I got a couple of things that I've been meaning to get done out of the way too. Much like the little animation up above done and a few commissions that I had piled up outside of newgrounds.
I also had the chance to go to the ocean over memorial day weekend. Got a little bit of sunburn but it was worth it to get a couple of photos.
Got a couple of awesome views that day.
Anyhow that's all I got for now. EDIT: Until then, Why not visit my new art thread and see all the nonsense I come up with every now and then?
See all ya'll around on the community.