It's that time again where we join friends and family to celebrate some holiday cheer, but on here it's weirdness and awesome shit galore!!!
Hoping y'all are having a fine holiday, as for me I've been a good boy this year and Santa gave me the best gift I never would have expected!
Well technically, it was from a secret santa my relatives have every year. It just so happens I got a T-Shirt with my favorite cartoon of all time on it. I'll probably be updating this with a selfie later down in the comments because why not. But I digress I couldn't be more happier!
Speaking of which, here are some of the things that I've been up to as of late.
So as a foot note, one of the submissions was actually for @fe3l1ngsk1lleddd 's snowman collab! Check out everyone's submissions on it while you're at it!
Speaking of collabs, another one I partook in actually got completed, @bisteca2007 recently uploaded the Burger King Collab that I partook in fairly recently. Check out some of the work everyone did on it!
And lastly, it's worth noting as a fun fact the Patriotism piece I made was actually for a cousin-in-law of mine that I ended up making a print for. My old man wanted one too so I ended up going out of my way to make one for him.
Don't worry, I framed the bottom one too. But I figured for the sake of seeing what it looked like without it in comparison to the frame it'd be a fun thing for y'all to see.
So now that we are on the December Christmas mark, we are a little past the half way point for the collab.
But don't fret, if you want to join the madness, THERE IS STILL TIME!!!! Just be sure to read the rules and when the deadlines are.
Also as a bit of a cross-promotion, I wanted to highlight what @Thetageist has been up too with their collab and suggest y'all check out the Pokemon Mystery Meat Collab!
If y'all got the stomach for it and want to piss off PETA to remind them that people do in fact eat tasty animals... You should join up! I plan on submitting something in the near future for it as soon as I get a few other priorities out of the way but I do feel that for those who want to be able to take on something a bit more horrifying then y'all should give the collab a shot!
There isn't really much else I need to update you guys on. Other than a few other...
I suppose it's worth mentioning that every now and then I upload a few gameplay videos of what I am up to on what I'm playing. Recently, I decided to throw a little commentary onto a gameplay video of F-Zero 99
"But dio, why add your babbling into a video of some gameplay?"
Well for one I figure it would be good practice to get in front of a mic and for other reasons I actually want to get into doing some streaming every now and then. I figure it would be some good practice and if anyone has some feedback on how I can do better on this I'd be more than happy to take on any suggestions because to be honest doing things intentionally while playing a game is actually a bit harder when multitasking is not my forte.
But hey, we all start somewhere so why not?
In any case, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year!
Thanks for the shoutout! >:D
Intrigued by the let’s play video, I’ll take a look!