Oh nice! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’m definitely gonna take a closer look at this, to see if my stuff would fit in with this project. But the project sounds rad as hell
All opinions are my own and reflect no one else. Don't steal my work. Some content posted on this page isn't for everyone don't complain if you haven't disabled M or A ratings. I'm not your babysitter nor am I beneath being a jerk when necessary.
Age 30, Neutral
Pratt Institute
Joined on 1/15/12
Oh nice! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I’m definitely gonna take a closer look at this, to see if my stuff would fit in with this project. But the project sounds rad as hell
I hope more come in to help out
I have faith that there will be those willing to step up.
ooohh shit this sounds interesting, I'll consider joining this