So, it came to my attention that WordPress has been making deals with Ai companies to train off my own user data. This is coming from the recent update from this week.
I have been contemplating closing down my site for some time and moving it to another platform, however, in light of this news this has now changed from being a gradual change to something that is going to be effective immediately.
Frankly I am disappointed but here we are talking about a company that is fairly big. My only option in this situation is to simply shut down my site and delete my account because to be completely honest, I don't approve of what they are doing and this is something that I do not consent to. So chances are, my website will be taken off the web in the coming weeks.
This is going to cause some changes in how I host my artwork but, if anyone has any alternatives into where I can create a decent website, let me know because I'd really appreciate it on my end.
I’ve heard of good things about Neocities. You can build it yourself out of HTML and CSS and style it however you want.
I may end up looking into this.