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Regarding Zero Hour

Posted by DioShiba - May 12th, 2024

So this announcement shouldn't come as much of a surprise if you follow the Zero Hour project or have been on the fan servers but recently, the decision was made to cancel the game's development.

I'm just going to take a screenshot of the discord server's announcement from the ZH fan server.


It sucks on my end personally because I did believe that the game could have gone somewhere but the fact of the matter is there just isn't enough interest in the project and the scandal with ThatJohnnyGuy didn't really help anything when that blew up a year ago. It's just at the point where, after years of development hell (even before I took up a role in the project, from what I learned) and the other factors that led to this, the project is on it's death rattle.

EVENTUALLY in the coming weeks I do plan on posting some of the assets I have made for Zero Hour for portfolio purposes and talking about some of the details of what could have been but for the time being right now it's not on the highest of my priority list since I do have to attend to a few other things that are a bit more pressing on my end to do.

EDIT: I'm going to add for the record that, because the majority of the characters in the project are owned by Newgrounds and there were plenty of artists who contributed to the project, it is only right that the artists who have worked on it like myself to have portfolio rights to the work they did contribute. Period.

There isn't much else that I can add that hasn't already been said. I have no serious regrets for having joined the project in spite of all that has happened and I think for what it's worth there were several things that I ended up learning over the past few years since I began working on some of the pixel art for the project and then some.





It's a shame that nothing came of it after exchanging hands so many times, but after nearly a decade it's probably for the best that it gets put down.

My condolences to everyone who put their blood sweat and tears into this project and it's many iterations. Hopefully the assets can be salvaged in the way of a sprite animation or something :)

It is what it is.

For all that its worth, I'm just glad tgat the team as it stands now came to the agreement that it needs to be taken out back and have two bullets in it's head. Theres a point where you can only do so much before you find yourself wasting time on a dead horse.

Didn't even know there was a game being developed. Oh well.

Tis a shame the stink shan't come off.

That being said:
Mr. Dipthong sends his regards

Well he brought it on himself. Theres nothing more that needs to be said.

Given that JG was directly involved with the project and is the reason for its cancellation, I think it’s fair for it to be brought up in this situation.

Exactly. As much as it sucks to trigger people because of the name it's not like we can really dodge that as a fact either.

It's the biggest factor next to the lack of involvement. Personally I'd rather this be more about the artists who did contribute more so than him but there is no skirting around what is. And that's as much as I will say publicly in this situation as of right now.

I'd like to make it clear that I have decided to change my stance on when I will release the assets and just post them to get it out of the way. Frankly, after some of the bullshit I've been through this week I'm really just at a point where I'd rather get what I have to get done out of the way and put the rest of what I need to get done with anything related to this to rest and move on.