So hello fellow Newgrounders! Welcome back to another blog of DioShiba writing his stupid nonsense online again! ;)
Not like I don't do that enough!
Jesus Christ, not this asshole again!
Am I really thinking this or am I reading it?
So I haven't exactly bothered to write everything new lately, A lot has been going on IRL between job hunting and some other things that came up while I'm doing what I can to maintain my own health where I had to reschedule a therapy appointment I don't know how many times due to some weird run-around at the place I've been going to lately concerning my medical issues. It's been more hectic and it's a lot more than I care to really get into. But I hope that helps shed things into some light for those who follow me.
To get some good news out of the way first, still doing what I've been doing since last time, but I've also returned to meandering on TheVGResource forums again because in the near future there is a personal sprite project that I would like to get back into that I would like to get back into and I might be able to get feedback from there on it. Same with SMWCentral. But that's going to be a few months away. I'm also almost done with another Castlevania Collab piece that I am getting done. So that's something you might want to stay tuned for, ultimately as mentioned in my previous posts I still have my priorities for the projects I'm lending a hand to so I'm not going to repeat too much about it since I'd rather be more focused about the upcoming future plans I have concerning my profile.

Oh my god DioShiba are you leaving or some shit?
What the fuck? WIZARD SO SO?
This guy is an artist?
No I'm not getting rid of my profile.
(Sorry to the people that disagree with me over some things but just know I ain't got the room for the hate, I still see some of you guys <3 )
Oh okay cool but why the sass over it? You aren't perfect and you're kind of a dick at times!
True, but it's not like I'm going to sit here and deny that. Not my prettiest trait when I'm blunt I admit but at the very least I give enough of a damn to be human anyways.
Anyways, I suppose it's worth mentioning far as what has been going on here since the massive Art Portal Update and I got the chance to try it out finally. And I gotta say, I am happy about how it works because it makes it far more easier on my end to upload multiple images into one post.
WOWIE-ZOWIE! You actually liked that update! Cool tits on a stick! What do you plan on doing with it?
That said I've actually been looking over some of my submissions and I realized that there is actually a pretty good opportunity for me to re-organize some of my artwork and compact some of the posts I have made over the years. I feel like using the multiple image feature I can also finally upload some of the files that I initially didn't want to upload due to the resolution size of the native pixel art I made before I adjusted the size of the work I exported into their respective images for the sake of easier viewing if anyone is on Newgrounds through mobile.
So wait, hold on a minute, you mean to tell us that there is some content you haven't posted?
There's some stuff that you want to add related to current content that's uploaded?
Some new projects? A big giant brownie that only kings and gods could get high off of?
This is going to be a project more for here for me to do that will be ongoing with a couple of to-dos I have in mind and you'll be noticing that over time. For some submissions, like the pixel work I have done for the Corrupted OC's Collab I'd like to compile all into one post for everyone's viewing so no one has to hop around between different submissions for example. EDIT: The update for the Corrupted OC's project has gone through! Some of you guys should be receiving a DM to be added on the credits list for contributing your requests to it.
The other thing too is that I may end up posting some WIP related content to some submissions given the gallery features because there are a few pictures that I'm willing to compile into a few gifs for anyone who is inspired to also do what I'm doing.
There is no clear timeline to when this is all going to be complete, so I will be updating which ones will be updated as frequently as I am able to in the upcoming blogs I post here since it's relevant to Newgrounds specifically.
Or not and just enjoy seeing my work or whatever else you're. I don't really give that much of a shit.
Hey will fuck you 2!? >:(
Ehh, I think I'll enjoy the work thanks
I wonder if anyone else besides me has actually bothered reading this wall.
More importantly, what I'd be more worried about is how given the world seems to be getting more and more insane as the time goes by I'd be wondering what ways I can keep myself sane. In the grand scheme of things I'm almost 4 years away from booze in about a month so... That's another thing to be happy about in spite of everything going on.
You know what? Good on ya buddy!"
Well in any case that's pretty much all that I have to talk about today.
Until next time everyone.