So it's actually been awhile since I bothered doing a whole ass update but don't worry, I haven't forgotten to keep y'all in the loop with what I've been doing.
ANYHOW I've been hoping to get to this for some time so without any hesitation let me give you all an update on some of the things I've been doing.
So having been working under @Luckodastars, I've been waiting patiently to help promote this project and confirm my hand for making some of the pixel art.
And right now I gotta help our client out by promoting the project and spreading awareness to it. In fact our client has made a Ko-fi for the project and with enough backing we'll have enough funds to finish the animation! So if you want to see a kick ass fan animation between Teen Titan's favorite Tamarainian take on the Fire Hot Princess Cat from an alternate dimension duke it out, we'd be really grateful for anything you'd be willing to offer!
As of today, we hit a total of 69 submissions in The Great Homer Collab!
In fact there is still plenty of time to submit your Homers to the collab! We're hoping to reach more than 100 Homers by the time that November comes around! So what's holding you back from being a part of the Simpson Army?
All shall be welcomed in the world of Homer.
New and Recent submissions:
That should about cover everything I made since the last formal update post I did.
Updates to previous submissions
So some of you who follow my page more frequently may have noticed that my submission count has been a bit all over the place. For those of you wondering what's been going on with that I have a few changes I would like to talk about in my gallery.
Given that the Newgrounds Gallery system has been implemented I decided to take advantage of this and consolidate some of the submissions that I have made between 2009 into 2012 into one submission.
That said, I'm hoping this will allow me to put focus on more recent works for the time I've been active on Newgrounds from 2017 to the here and now since I feel like that would be the more appropriate thing to do moving forward with my online career with the art and animation.
Additionally, I'd like to take a moment and acknowledge that two of my submissions, while still existing on the internet will no longer be featured in my gallery since I feel that it's no longer appropriate to have Chris-Chan referenced on the profile in of itself. I may officially re-release them as part of a lost works type of situation in the case that I find myself closer to my death bed but for the time being I feel that it would be far better to put them to the side. I doubt many people will care long term but for the few people who did I'd rather you not be in the dark about it.
In my previous update a month ago, I had mentioned that life had taken me to places I didn't expect recently thanks to my full time job. Needless to say work had taken me to help out the company I'm employed under over at one of their accounts located in Maryland and luckily enough, I was in driving distance to D.C. Given that it was the weekend after my birthday well... I couldn't miss the opportunity to go for the first time.
Between walking around the National Mall and the Smithsonian Museum of Art I actually had a blast. Thought I didn't get a chance to see everything I'd actually be happy to go again just to see a few other sights. Maybe the Pentagon if I'm lucky enough. (That's actually very unlikely but I can dream right?)
Well in any case I did want to share some of the things I saw there and I never got the chance to do it until now.
But hey, Preseason for the NHL is starting and that means it's two weeks closer until Hockey Season opens up again! And I'm just enjoying life and even getting better at ice skating myself to the point where I'm learning how to skate backwards.
Until next time!