All opinions are my own and reflect no one else. Don't steal my work. Some content posted on this page isn't for everyone don't complain if you haven't disabled M or A ratings. I'm not your babysitter nor am I beneath being a jerk when necessary.

Andrew @DioShiba

Age 30, Neutral


Pratt Institute


Joined on 1/15/12

Exp Points:
5,220 / 5,380
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Vote Power:
6.40 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
3y 8m 16d

DioShiba's News

Posted by DioShiba - October 7th, 2024


So folks to start out with I've been on a string of drawing art for the past couple of days and even streamed on of the pieces I did so lets get right down to business and get the show on the road!


Bunny Wario in fact, not only had a stream video of me drawing live on Twitch as you could see from my last update but it also got front paged! In case you missed it, click here!



So last update I shared how I was helping out with the Starfire VS. Blaze project. Just to confirm the project is still undergoing production! The Ko-Fi is still up and going and has reached 41% of it's goal for funding. If you have a couple of dollars to spare why not donate and support the artists working on it? Josh and all of us from the @LuckoDaStars would appreciate it!

There is still also one more month and a half left for The Great Homer Collab! If you got the time to have a little fun with the crew we're all working with why not draw a couple Homers!

Additionally, I have also taken part in a podcast hosted by @Aalastier that will be posted on November 21st. If you want to hear some insights on what has been going on with me for the past couple of months, what got me into making pixel art and having an interest in some game development it will be your opportunity to check that out!


NHL Season is starting up again and you know what that means? I'm going to be active again on THE NHL HOCKEY FAN CLUB. Plus not only that but later on this week I will be going to the Boston Bruins game to see them play against their long time rivals the Montreal Canadiens! That reminds me, I should work on some Bruins fan art! I've been meaning to do that for some time but never really got around to doing it.

Also for the past week and going into the rest of this week I've been enjoying a bit of a vacation and getting things done. Ended up being a stay at home vacation but hey, I was able to get some rest and focus on my creativity and, I've been enjoying the fall foliage up here in Massachussetts! It's been a good time regardless and I'm getting ready to wrap up some of the things I've been up to for the past few months!

Until next time!



Posted by DioShiba - October 4th, 2024

Drawing a sexy wario come join me on my twitch!


EDIT: Stream is done and over with.

Here's the art:



Posted by DioShiba - September 22nd, 2024



So it's actually been awhile since I bothered doing a whole ass update but don't worry, I haven't forgotten to keep y'all in the loop with what I've been doing.

ANYHOW I've been hoping to get to this for some time so without any hesitation let me give you all an update on some of the things I've been doing.


So having been working under @Luckodastars, I've been waiting patiently to help promote this project and confirm my hand for making some of the pixel art.

And right now I gotta help our client out by promoting the project and spreading awareness to it. In fact our client has made a Ko-fi for the project and with enough backing we'll have enough funds to finish the animation! So if you want to see a kick ass fan animation between Teen Titan's favorite Tamarainian take on the Fire Hot Princess Cat from an alternate dimension duke it out, we'd be really grateful for anything you'd be willing to offer!



As of today, we hit a total of 69 submissions in The Great Homer Collab!


In fact there is still plenty of time to submit your Homers to the collab! We're hoping to reach more than 100 Homers by the time that November comes around! So what's holding you back from being a part of the Simpson Army?


All shall be welcomed in the world of Homer.


New and Recent submissions:

That should about cover everything I made since the last formal update post I did.

Updates to previous submissions

So some of you who follow my page more frequently may have noticed that my submission count has been a bit all over the place. For those of you wondering what's been going on with that I have a few changes I would like to talk about in my gallery.

Given that the Newgrounds Gallery system has been implemented I decided to take advantage of this and consolidate some of the submissions that I have made between 2009 into 2012 into one submission.

That said, I'm hoping this will allow me to put focus on more recent works for the time I've been active on Newgrounds from 2017 to the here and now since I feel like that would be the more appropriate thing to do moving forward with my online career with the art and animation.

Additionally, I'd like to take a moment and acknowledge that two of my submissions, while still existing on the internet will no longer be featured in my gallery since I feel that it's no longer appropriate to have Chris-Chan referenced on the profile in of itself. I may officially re-release them as part of a lost works type of situation in the case that I find myself closer to my death bed but for the time being I feel that it would be far better to put them to the side. I doubt many people will care long term but for the few people who did I'd rather you not be in the dark about it.


In my previous update a month ago, I had mentioned that life had taken me to places I didn't expect recently thanks to my full time job. Needless to say work had taken me to help out the company I'm employed under over at one of their accounts located in Maryland and luckily enough, I was in driving distance to D.C. Given that it was the weekend after my birthday well... I couldn't miss the opportunity to go for the first time.







Between walking around the National Mall and the Smithsonian Museum of Art I actually had a blast. Thought I didn't get a chance to see everything I'd actually be happy to go again just to see a few other sights. Maybe the Pentagon if I'm lucky enough. (That's actually very unlikely but I can dream right?)



Well in any case I did want to share some of the things I saw there and I never got the chance to do it until now.

But hey, Preseason for the NHL is starting and that means it's two weeks closer until Hockey Season opens up again! And I'm just enjoying life and even getting better at ice skating myself to the point where I'm learning how to skate backwards.

Until next time!



Posted by DioShiba - August 16th, 2024


I actually don't use twitter anymore.

Between me being an outspoken asshole who is working on his issues while trying to build a portfolio and the fact that Elon is a douche nozzle, even I can see where the ship is sinking and it's not a platform worth my time.. I'd be surprised if Twitter even maintains it's user base in the next few years.



Posted by DioShiba - August 8th, 2024


By some unholy miracle I managed to live 30 years marking today.

And somehow, I am not dead!

Anyhow I think its fair to say that it is time for an update:


So recently, the above thing I posted got turned into a collab lately. Something I didn't expect but all the same glad my two little bodies for Biden made the cut for it!

Also, if you haven't already joined... The Great Homer Collab is still going on! https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1536175#bbspost27907420_post_text

If you haven't gotten a chance to join up by all means you should! You'll be able to draw a few homers however you wish!



So on that note life has taken me to unexpected places so far and oddly enough, my full time work has taken me to new places. Those who know me know where I'm at but for now, I'm waiting to post the pictures until a later date, some good things take time.

Other than that there isnt much else to add yet but in due time there will be more updates on ny end! Til' next time!



Posted by DioShiba - July 20th, 2024


So hello to all of you guys on the grounds of new! there have been quite a few recent happenings on my end as it turns out I just so happened to get my hands on a brand spankin' new PC.


It's quite a bit of a beast, I was testing it with some steam games I had on hand and this Aegis desktop from MSI does quite the job when it comes to performance. The best part is I can update this bad boy at my own discretion so now I won't exactly be too far behind on my work now that I got the proper work and battle station going.

I still have to move a few files over to it from my iMac before I can say that I'm fully settled with the new set up but I've been progressing toward being able to get that all taken care of on my end whatever the case may be I do have some other updates in store for you that I can share in the meantime!


As some of you guys might have guessed, I took part in Blamformers! Revenge of the Blammed:

While it was really just some credit art, it was still a pleasure to have a small little piece in the collab all together. Maybe someday when I get into the whole swing of things I can put in a more full animation piece, but there are some set backs that have happened and I'm not about to go back to Adobe after how they handled their whole shit with their subscription services.


I also want to add that, from now until November I shall be hosting the Great Homer Collab! I was very much impressed with Taytonium's own project with how he drew several Homers over the course of several days so I figure that the best way for any of us to honor his work is to have a collab based around Homer!

So feel free to join in on the collab! All you really have to do at bear minimum is draw a single solitary Homer. Did I mention that you can draw up to ten Homers? By the end of it we'll have quite a number of Homers in the collab that we'd be filling a whole page of art to the point where it would be one hell of a masterpiece!


There haven't really been many updates to any of my older works as of late. That being said the reason has more to do with the fact that I am still working on projects that I can't openly disclose at this point in time. NDA stuff in that retrospect.


So Summer is here and for the most part I've been settling into my new apartment as of late. Florida Panthers won the cup a few weeks ago which... I suppose isn't really surprising but still it's kind of a let down after the fact that Edmonton almost pulled off the unthinkable and get a reverse sweep. But they didn't have enough energy to muster it. Next season I hope that Boston can get it's shit together and win another Stanley cup though. It's been too long since the Bruins got their last cup and I want to live long enough to see the Boston Bruins Dynasty actually happen in the NHL for a few seasons and not just be some choke artists.

Beyond that I've gotten myself playing Pizza Tower when I'm not making art work and boy am I having fun running around like a maniac in that game. Shit if Sonic and Peppino had a race they'd be evenly matched. I suppose one last thing I could talk about is that I'm planning a vacation in October so I can enjoy some of the fall weather in the coming months. TBH it'd be nice for a change of pace.

Til' next time Newgrounds fam.



Posted by DioShiba - June 21st, 2024

Alright Newgrounds I might be a Boston Bruins fan but I also love a good underdog story.

Edmonton Oilers are just one game away of doing the funniest thing to the Florida Panthers of all time and I am willing to do the one thing I was never willing to do just to channel it into an energy to help bring the cup back to Canada


I am fucking dead serious if Edmonton actually brings the cup back to Canada to end the drought there I will actually watch my little pony for once and I'm rooting for Edmonton to win. This is the perfect opportunity to channel my hate into a better energy toward something for the greater good. Let Canada rub it in Bettman's fucking face when this happens.




Posted by DioShiba - May 19th, 2024

Well the past couple of days have been stressful with recent bullshit coming to light on my end BUT I am glad that something good was able to come out of it given that one of the things I did for Zero Hour got front page the same day I uploaded it. That's the second thing I've ever done that finally came out of the woodwork.


While you're at it, if you like the Cassandra artwork maybe you should check out some of the other things I did for Zero Hour yea?

Frankly, I'm just glad to be done with Zero Hour. There are some things on my end that still need to be sorted out that I can't exactly talk about openly but if it helps I would much rather focus on the positives and party.

Thank you Newgrounds!



Posted by DioShiba - May 12th, 2024

So this announcement shouldn't come as much of a surprise if you follow the Zero Hour project or have been on the fan servers but recently, the decision was made to cancel the game's development.

I'm just going to take a screenshot of the discord server's announcement from the ZH fan server.


It sucks on my end personally because I did believe that the game could have gone somewhere but the fact of the matter is there just isn't enough interest in the project and the scandal with ThatJohnnyGuy didn't really help anything when that blew up a year ago. It's just at the point where, after years of development hell (even before I took up a role in the project, from what I learned) and the other factors that led to this, the project is on it's death rattle.

EVENTUALLY in the coming weeks I do plan on posting some of the assets I have made for Zero Hour for portfolio purposes and talking about some of the details of what could have been but for the time being right now it's not on the highest of my priority list since I do have to attend to a few other things that are a bit more pressing on my end to do.

EDIT: I'm going to add for the record that, because the majority of the characters in the project are owned by Newgrounds and there were plenty of artists who contributed to the project, it is only right that the artists who have worked on it like myself to have portfolio rights to the work they did contribute. Period.

There isn't much else that I can add that hasn't already been said. I have no serious regrets for having joined the project in spite of all that has happened and I think for what it's worth there were several things that I ended up learning over the past few years since I began working on some of the pixel art for the project and then some.



Posted by DioShiba - April 16th, 2024


Sorry for the lack of update on things lately. Major life changes in the past few weeks and responsibilities with several of my priorities have been expanding as of late.

One of the first things that I need to get out of the way, I moved into a new apartment!

So now I got my own place to myself and that's going to be better for me in the long run to have my own independence moving forward. I've ended up getting enough room to have my own office space so that's super helpful on that note.

Updates on projects:

So far as the projects that I've been working on, I'd like to make a quick note that the Zero Hour team is still looking for more pixel artists! we've managed to get some more help here and there and this is a project where my responsibilities have expanded on. So if you want to get some work done on a project and get some training on pixel art, we're more than happy to give you a shot to try out for the team!

I have also had some paid work opportunities come my way very recently, not really anything I can talk about for professional reasons at this time. Regardless the time I'm able to commit to some of my own personal work has become very limited. That isn't to say that I won't continue drawing but between that and the stuff I've been up to lately there may not be as much coming into my art gallery for the next coming weeks.

So with that being said, I think it's fair I give that explanation to those who have been following me as of late. By the off chance I do upload something it will very likely be when specific projects such as the Transformers collab come out. There was some work I did for that a few months ago but personally I would rather hold off on uploading what I have done until the whole collab comes out. I just don't feel right releasing the work for it just yet!

Recent Happenings:

There isn't really much else that I have to add on what is going on my end. Before I moved into my apartment I touched on how I was able to go to a Bruins game in the NHL Thread. That being said it was my first game! ended up on the jumbotron, got a alternate jersey for the centennial season in addition to the one I already got.


Do I think that the Bruins will get the Stanley cup this year? ehhhh I have my doubts. I want to be honest and say that I want to be optimistic but the realist in me is doubting that they're gonna go the distance after tonight's game and yesterday's game. But they got a spot so I'm not gonna be too mad for what it is. (Even though I think Don Sweeney should get fired before anyone else at this point.)

I'm also going to be looking into new website platforms to host my portfolio soon. It's been on my to do list however given my current priorities between my day job, side gigs, and doing all the other grown up crap that comes with keeping an apartment while maintaining mental health it's been a game of juggling different responsibilities it's been pushed to the back burner of all things.
