Dude this is fucking bad ass.
I hope you got more because a piece like this is deserving of the art portal
Dude this is fucking bad ass.
I hope you got more because a piece like this is deserving of the art portal
Dude this is actually fucking lit.
Awesome work.
Thank you, I really appreciate the nice words.
I dig it.
Thanks! x3
TBH I like this one the most out of your whole gallery, the monochromatic works well with this particular piece and I think you could pull something with your understanding of values.
truth be told, I have no idea with what I'm doing when drawing, I just so happen to find using monochromatic colors easier to use for when I want to draw *edgy*
I feel like a total fraud because I have no proper understanding of utilizing color values, only a small idea of how it works as I have done something like this before, once.
Appreciate it though
I actually really like the stylization of this.
There are a few weird spots with jagged outlines but overall I genuinely love this.
That is mostly just how the style that I originating form this does alot of the time, maybe not all the time but mostly the shading and colors are whack as hell
I'm not going to say this is either bad or good, because I think you nailed Jolyne's qualities down well and got her stand spot on. However I don't think you took the time to give this piece the polish it deserves with some of the jagged lines and the stray pixels. And yet, your sense of anatomy concerning the torso, arms and legs are spot on. The only thing I would say is that her head feels a bit awkward.
I think the question that remains is how much you feel invested in pixel art as a medium. It's fine to say that it's not your thing, but should you decide that you want to experiment further then my best feed back that I can offer is not to rush your work and take the time to really give your work the love it deserves when it comes to this. Pixel art is more precise than digital art and you have to be meticulous in order to get stellar results.
However, on the bright side of things I've looked at your gallery and you have some very strong pieces of digital art that I think deserve to get you scouted and I'm willing to do that for you on that note.
You hit the nail on the head, thank you I love constructive criticism
Yeeeahhhh. Not gonna lie I'm not entirely impressed.
I mean on one end, you captured the creepy aesthetic Chris-Chan himself had going for Sonichu. That is a strength. However, looking at this compared to the original you didn't really do much to improve it other than improving the colors.
And that's just it. There's a lot more off with this and the static pose with the lack of anatomy does not help this at all I'm afraid.
You should focus more on the quality of your work as opposed to the quantity you pump out. This isn't a site like instagram so there isn't much pressure for you to get a ton of artwork out.
2/10/2025 EDIT: I actually hadn't thought about this piece for awhile but seeing the response from today prompted me to do this because this is what I think matters more so the than the work in of itself: The attitude the artist has and the willingness to learn from past mistakes.
GIVE OR TAKE I think that you've definitely grown in the past few years with some of your sketch works. Give or take if you're serious about continuing to learn it involves some level of reflection and learning to accept that, in your own eyes you're likely going to have 100 bad pieces for every 1 good piece, but even then when you look at it from that angle you're going to find people who like some of those 100 pieces you see as bad which is all part of the grind. (Hell, even in some of my own work I find that I dislike more of my pieces than I do like them but other people seem to enjoy them regardless)
It's all part of the journey and I think you've taken an important step in having the humility (In a good way!) to admit this and it's all part of having the growth mindset to continue to improve and taking into consideration on where. Props to you for that and that in of it self is enough for me to reconsider the rating here.
Looking back at this, I fully agree with you. I know it's been like, a few years, but I honestly hate looking at this. Sucks ass. Creepy af. I think I'll leave it up tho as a reminder of... Idfk. But yeah, best advice I've been given on something like this.
You got a nice redraw going on here.
I'm keeping my eye on you.
Thanks guy!
Dude this is some nice animation and I just got a glimpse of your gallery.
I don't know why you haven't been scouted yet but you should be. I'm offering you a chance to do that because you have strength where you can focus on simplicity here.
holy shit tysm
All opinions are my own and reflect no one else. Don't steal my work. Some content posted on this page isn't for everyone don't complain if you haven't disabled M or A ratings. I'm not your babysitter nor am I beneath being a jerk when necessary.
Age 30, Neutral
Pratt Institute
Joined on 1/15/12